Landscape and Nature Photography



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The Giant Sleeps

The Giant Sleeps

from CA$35.00

Thunder Bay’s Sleeping Giant has been the subject of thousands upon thousands of photographs but no two images of The Giant are the same. Nature always provides something different.

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Photographers will never tire of taking images of the Sleeping Giant. The Giant is a local landmark and the focus of an Ojibwe legend. Legend has it that an Ojibwe tribe on Isle Royal stood in good favour with the God of the Deep, Nanabijou. Nanabijou told the tribe of a tunnel leading to a wealth of silver the tribe could have access to but it came with a warning. If the tribe were to tell of this secret tunnel and the silver inside Nanbijou would be turned to stone and the silver would be lost forever. In time the tribe became known for it's silver jewelry but they would not divulge their secret. When a Sioux Tribe found the secret through a spy sent to the Ojibwe  the secret was out. The White Man were able to convince the spy to take them to the silver and when he did a great storm rose up. Once the storm cleared there in the bay lay Nanabijou turned to stone and the tunnel now lay under water flooded and protected forever.